- mcgill ma thesis: mapping music in two dimensions (iOS app).
- tessellates: less hierarchical music collection display
- seek: irrational, functional sequencer.
- amen: the future of algorithmic remixing, since 2016.
- tracerouting the internet, as music. (finished Jan 1, 2017!)
- remixtris: tetris attack meets generative music.
- remix: alumni maintainer of the echo nest remix api.
- nothingsoundsquitelikean: 48 hour angular.js drum machine, with code.
- the ultimate machine: self-referential algorithmic composition.
- the tonnetz: theoretical pitch space to physical object.
- leap, re, mi: hand signs controlling pitches.
- socialist streaming: take from the rich, give to the poor.
- grid: image to instrument.
- music i used to like: out-hep your friends, thanks to r. stevens.
- kinduct: conducting with a kinect.
- where & when: time-travel based music discovery. (deprecated)
- instantmusicvideo: mash up soundcloud audio with vimeo video. (deprecated)
- how to dj properly: track order based on dj set analysis. (deprecated )
- the feminest: band gender balance, via the echo nest. (deprecated)
- github
- music hack days: organized at uvic, uvic, mcgill.
- papers: Timbral Analysis of DJ Sets at ISMIR 2013, iOS Mappings at SMC 2013, Yet More iOS Mappings at SMC / ICMC 2014, Recomposing Xenakis at CIM 2014.