penny arcade

Gabe & Tycho have kind of, maybe, somewhat, lost their razor-sharp edge as they’ve become fathers and gotten older.  On the other hand, they tend to strike these gold mines of quality on a fairly frequen basis.  Today’s comic is one of them.

zelazny & gaiman, gaiman & zelazny

One is dead, one is alive. One was Polish, (but wrote Greeks, Indians, and Englishmen) , one is English, but has a knack for writing immortals and Americans….as well as screenplays, comics, children’s books, and so on. More importanly, they both share an uncanny knack for myth and population in their writing – that is to say, you finish a book (or comic, film, and so on) that they did, and your first thought is “But what about the rest of the world! What about the rest of the characters? What about New York? (in This Immortal) – What about Death and Delirium? (in Sandman) – What about Tak and the witches in the east? (in Lord Of Light) – What about the monsters in the rest of the city? (in Mirrormask).”

You, poor reader, are left desperately hoping for more. Isn’t that a shame?

Neil lives here. Roger lives on here. If you read any one thing by either of them, read Lord of Light and all of Sandman. But then you’ll have to read them again. And then you’ll probably need to know more…

old man

I, personally, know that I’m old (and out of shape!) when I managed to hurt my knee dancing around to Shiloh. Well, specifically to Shiloh playing a LoStep track, but whichever. Shiloh are pretty good times, say I.
I was also going to write a long and profound post about the development and progression of popular house music, but I think I’ll wait a bit, as I want to get some useful work done today.

love shack

Two more things that I can check off my DJing to-do list:

– Played a B-52s accapella:

– Dropped ‘Rockit’:

…the adventure continues tonight at Hush, where I am opening for the always-mighty Shiloh!

Tony DiTerlizzi

Lives at:

Whilst his choice of web design is something I find deeply questionable, I cannot find any sort of fault with the man’s art:

petter – some polyphony

…but this is fantastic, especially the B1, ‘Untight’.  Clips are at Juno.

Also, I fixed all the links. WordPress >> me.

oh! dj gigs!

I should probably post these:

July 21st, Victoria, BC: ‘In The Mix’ at the Jungle Room. Tagging with Kenzie, Xavier, and D-Set.

July 22nd, Victoria, BC: Opening for Shiloh at Hush, with Cory J.
August 5th, Vancouver, BC: Playing the stage at Apex Project.

August 25th or 26th, Victoria, BC: Opening for BT at Hush, with DJ What

September 2nd, North of Victoria, BC: Dust Up 2, with Cory J.

a ritual of doors

My first live cd-length set in ages was also an attempt at a really dancey demo, and a try at doing a live four or five phase mix.  The more I listen to it the more I wish I had kept taking on it, but such is life.  It was cut in May 2006, and art is by John Avon, again.

all tomorrow’s parties

This was a posted hour-long set for Pacific Front Sessions on Proton Radio.   Any excuse you can get to put Beatles and Sigur Ros and Leftfield into a set is a good excuse.  Art is from Rob’s cam vs. Drew’s cam at one of the many Gage shindigs, late 2005.

star eater

My first foray into the realm of posted sets, and certainly I really dig it for the flow and the number of moods, and the classical, and the piano interlude, and so on. It’s from 2005 (I think?), and the art is from Astonomy Picture Of The Day.