all my friends like to dance!

(cross-post from my email…)

“Hello!  I’m looking for a quick bit of help with a music project…

Last year, I did a mixtape with music contributed by all my non-DJ friends, and I wanted to do it again this summer.  With a twist, however – this summer’s mix is, as the title suggests, about dance music.

If you’re interested, you should send me or link me to:
– A piece of music that you really, really like to dance to* that is under 10 minutes.  (If you need me to edit a bit out of a longer work, I can do that.)
– A picture of yourself.  I’ll be making a mosaic of everyone’s picture and giving everyone credit, though I won’t be matching names to music.  If you don’t send me a picture, I’ll track down one of you looking silly.

* Some of you will say that “you don’t dance”.  You’re lying.  You all tap your toes, nod you head, dance when no one is watching, dress up in folk outfits and caper about, etc.  All complaints will be referred to the following.

I will take everyone’s input and mix / edit them together in a hopefully fairly coherent order.  The end result will go up on this website and be distributed to the internets at large.

Let me know if you’re interested, or just send me music & images (djfractal at, please), or harass me with any questions.”