101 free games #4: toblo!
Toblo is the bastard love-child of Quake I CTF, the National Film Board Of Canada’s classic BLOCK CITY, and the music of the Postal Service. Hott.
You’re trying to capture all 3 of the bad guy’s flags – and all your have for weapons are the blocks that make up the game world, which is run with loving precision by a home-brew physics engine. By the end of a game, the bases are rubble, the towers have collapsed, and it’s all down to who can throw blocks better, run faster, and double-jump higher.
The presentation is light, fluffy, and twee – you’ll almost certainly get sick of the voice shouting “Toblo!” at bootup, but the art is perfect for the game – it’s easy to tell when things will fall down, and it’s easy to see what block your character is going to pick up. And the gameplay itself is exceptional. Now I just need to convince people to play it with me…