2016: albums of the year
Yep, fuck this year. Albums:
Roomful of Teeth – Partita for 8 Voices
Caroline Shaw. What the hell. I don’t want to say that this piece single-handedly restored my faith in “new music” … but this piece and this recording kind of did. Astonishing.
Kaitlyn Aurelia Smith – EARS
Thank you Spotify and Fresh Finds for the introduction to Kaitlyn Aurelia Smith, who’s music is everything I want from modular synthesis nerdery and has some mean saxophone parts.
Tim Hecker – Love Streams
Hecker moves a bit away from drone and a bit towards bass, noise, and processing, and the result is 16 kinds of excellent.
Honorable mentions to: Suzanne Ciani – Buchla Concerts 1975; Mary Lattimore – At The Dam; James Holden & Camilo Tirado – Outdoor Museum of Fractals; Radiohead – A Moon Shaped Pool; Carla del Forno – You Know What It’s Like, and Oliver Coates – Upstepping