2018: shows of the year

Body & Soul at Elsewhere
Woooooosh. I mean, I don’t want to say that it was better in the 1990s, but this party makes a very strong case for it.

Wata Igarashi at Nowadays
I used the term “heat lightning” to describe where this all-night set ended up. Which was a true word, but also left out all the deep ambient that Igarashi played in the beginning of the night, the smooth transition up to techno, and so on. A great set.

Boxed 5 Year Anniversary at Bloc
Logos, Mr. Mitch, Slackk, Mumdance, what a collection of sounds, rewinds, and over-the-top chaos.

Antal at Nowadays
The man from Rush Hour did not let us down, covering disco, Detroit, and deepness in general. (This of course does not mention how rad Nowadays sounds, how nice the people there are, etc)
Big hugs to Mike Servito’s electro/acid/tech beatdown at No Way Back at Good room; to the casually ecstatic closing Mr. Sunday at Nowadays; to Boddika and the 45 minutes of blue light at about:blank; to a random, banging-techno Thursday night at La Java in Paris; to the total bassweight chaos of Metalheadz at Fabric; and to Hunee / Lena Wilikins at Sugar Hill.