week 83

– I finished the data classification part of my thesis.  I would not wish repetitive stress on my worst enemy. – The VARIATIONS radio series,…

week 74

– My last day of my internship at The Echo Nest was today.  I will miss them. – The good people at This Is My…

week 70

Things from the internet: Rolling Jubilee:  Important, still important.  (I also realized this week that Twitter has been a key influence in pushing me more…

at midnight….

…all the film directors and the hollywood crew go out and round up everyone who knows more than they do. WATCHMEN is an overwhelming and…

attn: america

Don’t fuck this one up now.  Your election is tomorrow, and I’m calling it at +6 for Obama and 328 to 212 in the Electoral…

oh, the humanity

– If you wanted to be scared about the state of our civilization, take a look here, at Worldometers.  For me, the scariest thing is…

the output of capitalism

I was reading some interviews with Jonathan Hickman of THE NIGHTLY NEWS, and he mentioned a site called TheyRule.net. Take a look at it for…

interlude between being behind on updates

The Gapminder (Beta) is an amazing array of world data that may or may not be interconnected. I totally agree with Matt Fraction when he…

year in review: your lack of freedom

Slate presents the Top 10 Civil Liberties Violations Of The Year (USA edition).  Remember folks:  not only can the President define what ‘torture’ is or…