week 92

– Writing the thesis, coding the thesis.  If you want to poke around with the current demo app, you can do so here.  It’s at…

week 90

– I’m really glad that someone has done the Leap Motion / conducting idea, and done it so well… though the most amazing thing about…

fractal – the weather

Finshed a new tune: This one is 100% samples, care of my friend Charlie van Kirk and his 365 x 10 sampling project.  It’s also…

week 88

– I am sure that you, like me, wanted to know how many emoji are used on Twitter. – I confess that I was not…

week 87

– RBMA continues to do sterling work in terms of club / dance culture. – Rhythm is not much of a thing in most DAWs, but…

all of the app store, all of the time

Grad school is sometimes about doing ridiculous things.  One of the ridiculous things that I’ve done was to download all the text and and all…

week 86

– I went west for a party and to see my family and my cat, and Frankie Knuckles died.  In memorium, here is a monster…

week 84

– Facebook bought Oculus.  This is either a huge mistake by the big F, or a direct shot across the bows of Google and Glass,…

week 83

– I finished the data classification part of my thesis.  I would not wish repetitive stress on my worst enemy. – The VARIATIONS radio series,…

The Man From S.A.T.I.E. – Delayopedies

My man Connor Ashton asked me for a piece for his ID3S release, and of course I said yes.  And obviously the thing to do…