instant city

In a creepy case of parallelism, I was given a link to the Instant City music construction device right after thinking of something similar (but…

101 free games #3: multihero

Attention anyone who played 8 bit or 16-bit games: You pretty much have to try this one out. Mutlihero is an old-school action game remix…

101 Free Games Part 2: Nanozoa

…continued from Part 1 of a look at 1up’s 101 Best Free Games Nanozoa: This is a classic example of a great design idea /…

101 Free Games Part 1: Ray Hound and Harmotion

The ever-loving 1up posted this article on The Best 101 Free Games. As such, I figured I should play the interesting looking ones. Duhh. Ray…

csound won’t

I have a love / hate relationship with open source.  I have OpenOffice and love it, run WordPress and love it, am slowly learning Python,…

Boomtown Victoria Is Closing…

…And the sound of weeping was stunning in its overwhelming silence. I’ve been buying music from there for the past 6 years, they just ordered…

a thousand thousand megawatts lived on, and so did i

Due to a particular series of links and backlinks, I was introduced to a website called The Vanishing Point yesterday.  The gent who runs it,…

why do club visuals suck?

So I was watching the Delta Heavy DVD with Leenie, and we were struck by how *bad* the visuals were. Now, granted, this was 5…

wii wiill rock you.

Let me be perfectly clear here, from the start. The single best part of Nintendo’s masterful new console is in fact, the multitude of awful…

synesthesia up high

Meet Visual Acoustics, by Alex Lampe. Also, meet a song I made with it and two minutes of editing in Nuendo. It’s essentially a mouse-driven…