I had the pleasure of doing a radio show on kpiss.fm for most of last year – you can find the archives on this server,…
Pleased as punch to say that I’m going to be doing a show on kpiss.fm, every second Saturday night, from 10 to midnight Eastern. Expect…
– Went to see my pal Erin Gee talk at Objet Sonore. If you don’t know Erin, she does amazing things, and is well worth…
Rustie, Jackmaster, Oneman @ Le Belmont Hot damn. This was sonically colossal, had a perfectly diverse / messy crowd, and featured two smooth-as-silk DJ sets…
– I went to New York! I only bought two records this time: Kraftwerk and Talking Heads. Also saw the NY Phil, who are pretty…
– I saw the opening night of Les Gestes on Wednesday – my most serious congratulations go out to Ian, Joe, Marlon, and the rest…
Saw Rustie, Oneman, and Jackmaster last night, at Le Belmont. A delightful experience. Jackmaster was on opening duties, and did a great job: starting with…
It’s March. Beware the Ides of March! – I posted a whole lot of music. There’s the short, quasi-trap EP, there’s my friend Heather singing…
– Went to a great space called CFC to hear the first all-skwee set of my life, care of the Ancient Robot crew. Was interesting….
– I went to the coldest rave I’ve ever been to – IglooFest, featuring Ben UFO. I can tell you that a windy -18 is…