As you may or may not have seen, Tide Pool is closed. It will be missed, not the least by me.
…are up at tide-pool.ca/theworldoutside. The second movement is called Desolation Jones, and may or may not feature spine-tingling ambient, giant spider crabs, and deep sea…
We found these two tracks on a beat-up old 78, in a junkyard just outside of Chastang, Alabama. After some serious restoration and investigation into…
Phil Dick talks about reality, world-building, and epiphanies. I got some more music! Alex Rize – Beyond The Dome [Proton] Alex Rize – Beyond The…
Working a regular job makes me seethe and rage for the time to keep up with my own projects. So, here are two more links…
Tide Pool brings you the hotness. Check it out. You should also go and look at djhistory.com right now, because there’s some amazing stuff there…
I am delighted to tell you that I have a new track out, and on my own label no less. It is called Mistroad, and…
The march towards a quarter century continues. Listen here, buy here. 1: Eddie Cointreau – Oncorhynchus 2: Eddie Cointreau – Acipenser 3: Eddie Cointreau –…
Tide Pool rides again. Check out our latest little ditty here.
Jazzy Jeff & The Fresh Prince – Summertime (Hybrid Mix) [Jive] The Lotterboys – Blazer [Eskimo] Ilmli – All Dressed Up And Nowhere To Go…